Meteorites, Asteroids and Comets

Jack and Carys from 7.27 gave us a marvellous presentation on meteorites, comets and asteroids. They shared so much information and we learned so much about meteorites that have landed in a variety of places across the world. They explained why some are smooth and some aren’t and also what they are made of. We loved learning from our amazing primary sevens.

The main thing we learned was that:

  • asteroids are rocks floating in space
  • meteorites are asteroids that enter into our atmosphere
  • comets are ice and dust that melt as they pass through space

Thank you again Jack and Carys!

World Book Day in the snow

Finally the snow went and we got to complete some fun world book day activities in class….just a week or so late! 😊 I went out for a lovely walk in the snow and read my book in lots of unusual places. I can’t wait to get back to school next week to hear how all of you celebrated World Book Day. 😊