Planting Plants

This afternoon we replanted some herbs into new pots.  Mrs Gordon has a plant theatre to display them in, in our school garden.

We had to put some compost into the bottom of the pots.  Then we placed the plants inside the pot.  We had to be careful that we didn’t damage the roots.

Next we put more compost into the pots and then watered the plants as they looked very thirsty.


One Planet Picnic

Today we had our One Planet Picnic.  We were all able to sit outside on the grass with our picnic blankets and our teddy bears.  It was great fun.

We were thinking about and trying to raise awareness of using local produce grown in Scotland as well as highlighting how much food we waste and how much rubbish we collect.

Here are some photos of us enjoying our picnic.

Technology Challenge

In groups, we were given the challenge of designing and creating a maze.   Mrs James showed us some examples and we tried to complete two on the interactive whiteboard.

We had to include a Start, a Finish and Dead Ends.  In our groups we planned our maze on a piece of paper and then we used art straws to make our own on sugar paper.

When we had finished we went on a journey around the classroom to look at all of the different designs.  We then peer assessed each maze by giving a star or a wish to each group.

Sport Day

Today was sports day! Due to the rain we held it in our school gym hall.  We all took part in two races – the flat race and the bean bag balance.  It was very tricky as we tried to keep the beanbags on our heads.

We all enjoyed taking part in the races and cheering on our classmates.

Our School Trip

Last Friday we went to Dams at Darnley for our school trip.  We have been looking at our local area as part of our topic.  It was a short bus journey and we were all very excited to travel on the bus!

When we arrived our group worked in teams to make a dam out of big stones, small stones and sand.  It was quite hard but we worked together and all of us managed to create a working dam.  Alison the Park Ranger helped us.

When we had finished we went with Joe another Park Ranger and he took us on a nature trail.  We saw lots of bugs and wild flowers.  We even saw a swan.  We used our magnifying glasses to help us see the small parts of the plants that we had been investigating in class.