Tag Archives: Information Handling

Scottish Maths Week

We love maths in P1.4 and this week has been no exception.  We have been learning to count and write numbers with “El Nombre” – you must know his song by now!   We have been practicing to count and write to and from 10 and measured our runner beans using cubes for non standard units.

This week, we have focused on days of the week, seasons, and months. We sorted different items into seasons and then sorted our birthdays into seasons.  ( That was tricky!)  We made a pictograph with our information. We discovered that the most popular season to have a birthday is in winter.

Our Seasonal Birthday Graph
In Summer, we cover up from the sun.
In Spring, flowers start to grow and lambs are born.
In Autumn, the leaves turn brown and orange and fall offf the trees.
In winter we need things to keep us warm.