Tag Archives: Firefighter

Lotty’s Dad©

“Good Afternoon! “said our visiting Firefighter, as he walked in the door. “Good Afternoon, Lotty’s Dad! “ replied the children.    We hadn’t rehearsed this. The children were enthralled.

Mr Martin –  aka  “Lotty’s Dad” –  arrived to talk to us about being a firefighter and all the things he does.  It is a really dangerous job and we didn’t envy him.  He told us about the importance of smoke alarms and about what to do if our house was on fire.

He then asked Mrs Arbuckle to demonstrate putting on the firefighters special clothes.  The clothes were very hot to wear and were very heavy.  Not very comfortable at all.  We all got to try on part of the special clothes and we had so much fun.  It looked chaotic, but we learned so much .

Thank you very much for a very memorable afternoon, Mr Martin and for taking the time to visit us.