Tag Archives: Dressing for Outdoors

It’s getting colder!

It is definitely autumn now. We have noticed that it is colder in class in the morning when the doors open and the wind blows into our class!  We do, however, continue to work outdoors when the weather permits, as it is such a great environment to learn in.

Please ensure that your child comes to school with a jacket. Playtimes and lunchtimes are beginning to get harsh with only a jumper or a cardi on.  We have also noticed that some children are already wearing their winter jackets. ( Us too!)  In wet weather, children are welcome to change out of wellies in class and into their shoes ( or wear their gym shoes).  On icy  or snowy days, every step is taken by our brilliant janitors to create safe  paths to our door. Again, hats, gloves,  scarves and snow boots are recommended and boots can be changed in class. Remember to label everything!