Tag Archives: A little patience goes a long way.

Word lists and Tricky Words

So….  what are these tricky words and word lists and what do we do with them?  The answer is simple: read them!  Choose a few  a night.  We don’t expect the children to learn them all every night.   🙀

Choose any of the word lists for your child to read. They will sound out the word, using their phonics and blend the sounds together, then watch as their little faces light up as say the word!  As they get better, they will be able to look at the words and say them, without sounding them out, but this a work in progress and it all takes time. A lot of patience is required in Primary 1.  Remember not to read a list from top to bottom, as the children are clever and will soon memorise it!

The tricky words are words that the children cannot sound out.  They are, indeed, tricky words. ( The clue is in the title)  You may want to cut the cards up and  turn the cards over one at a time, or you might want to “lucky dip”and choose random words on the sheet.  ( probably best to choose just a few words) Again, it is a work in progress.  We reinforce all of these words in class every day.  Quite often a child will pipe up “that is a tricky word!”as we read a story.  Bingo!