We’re going on a bird hunt

Primary 1.4 have been learning about collecting data. We went on a bird hunt and used tally marks to record the birds that we saw. In the outdoor classroom we counted up our tally marks and gave each bird a total. We discovered that the most common bird were blackbirds. We are going to use our data to create pictograms. We had great fun learning outdoors!

Busy bees in 1.4

It has been a busy few weeks in 1.4 with lots of exciting new learning experiences as our classroom is forever changing! Have a look and see what we have been up to.

Using containers, natural materials and a pan balance in the sand pit

Drawing some fantastic birds for our park area

Building and fixing

Counting using the interactive whiteboard

Feeding the birds in he school Eco Garden

Here we are making bird feeders for the Eco Garden

Using Cheerios to make calculations

Word building using natural materials

Ordering objects smallest to largest

Percy the Park Keeper

This term we are looking at parks and our local environment. So far we have talked about all the different parks we have visited, what we can see and do there and what animals might live in the park. This will help us when we come to designing and making our own mini parks!

We have also been reading Percy the Park Keeper stories and have created our very own Percy Hut! However, silly Mrs Hamilton forgot to leave mugs and a kettle in the hut! Apparently Percy and the park animals need their hot cocoa!

Pupil watching from Percy’s Hut! Great practise for the bird hunt next week.
Writing thank you letters to Percy on behalf of the animals in the park.
Cheerio bird feeders.
Using the rainbow and blocks to create different structures.
What concentration! Beading and decorating our branch sculpture! 🎨
Working together to measure and pour sand into the different containers.




We are always on the go in 1.4. Even during early entry, 1.4 are wide awake, busy writing words we already know, tricky words and attempting to write new words to make our sentences more exciting! Watch this space!

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