This Week’s Mystery Reader

The brilliant Mr Tyler from Primary 6 came to read to us this week. He is not only a science expert, but also a lover of books.  He read two books to us- ” Frog Is Sad”  by Max Velthuijs and “The Incredible Book Eating Boy” by Oliver Jeffers.  He even brought in a book that the Incredible Book Eating Boy had taken a bite out of! Amazing!

Hansel and Gretel activities

We read the story Hansel and Gretel in class.  We then took part in different activities from the story.  The first activity was to design a sweetie house! We had to use ALL of the sweeties for the house!

At our investigation table we had to make a path for Hansel and Gretel so that they could find the sweetie house.  We used wool and gems to show which way to go.  We also decorated the sweetie house with colourful stones and gems.  They were all different as we chose different colours and stones for our houses.

Decorating a sweetie house
Finding our way through he woods

Sweetie house looking yummy!


Making Maths Fun

We try to make the children’s learning as active as possible and we are always trying to come up with new ideas.

We learned to add today by using the droppers and putting out little pools of water onto our adding boards and writing the calculation.

We  counted our pennies today, by seeing how many we could put on the lemon before it rolled.  ( Today’s record was four!!)

We also continued to look at  the comparison of size, using our loose parts.

All in a mornings work!

Learning to Write

We have been learning our sounds and are trying to put the letters together to make words.  We have been trying to form the letters in foam, sand, gems,  and we even write in crayon, chalk, felt pen and pencil. Learning the correct formation of a letter is really important. ( No sneaky shortcuts!)

Here are a few of our questions to Goldilocks . As we drew our pictures  our teacher asked us about what we wanted to say about them.   Some of us write over the teacher’s writing. ( over writing) Some of us are able to copy the teachers writing. ( underwriting) Some of us are able to begin to write some words as we can sound them out to write them.   It’s very early days – we’ve only been at school for a few weeks- but we all work to the best of our ability. (And it has to be fun!)

Goldilocks Interview

We watched Judge Jenny listening to the views of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Here comes the judge!
The bear’s have their say.

Today we listened to a trial between Goldilocks and the Three Bears.   We heard the story from the point of view of Goldilocks and then the Three Bears.  Judge Jenny asked questions and tried to find solutions.

Goldilocks came to answer our questions that we had written.
Goldilocks was very good at answering our questions! ( Thank you, Miss Hunter!)

Then we had a special visitor!  Goldilocks came to visit our class and we were able to ask her the questions that we had come up with in our writing .

We enjoyed asking her questions to find out more about why she went into the Three Bears  house and what happened when the Bears  came home and found her.

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