Category Archives: Social Studies

A busy day indeed!

We had a very busy end to the week in 1.4. We welcomed visitors from Primary 7 who read us their wonderful stories which they had written and illustrated. The class thought they were wonderful. Then we had a cultural talk from Mrs Ali who told us about Pakistan and traditional food and clothes which was very interesting. We finished the day with our final Mearns Masters of the day where the children in the Design and Manufacture group finished their wonderful puppets and took them outside for a puppet show! We were all very tired after our busy day and are looking forward to the long holiday weekend! Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine everyone 😀

Percy the Park Keeper

This term we are looking at parks and our local environment. So far we have talked about all the different parks we have visited, what we can see and do there and what animals might live in the park. This will help us when we come to designing and making our own mini parks!

We have also been reading Percy the Park Keeper stories and have created our very own Percy Hut! However, silly Mrs Hamilton forgot to leave mugs and a kettle in the hut! Apparently Percy and the park animals need their hot cocoa!

Pupil watching from Percy’s Hut! Great practise for the bird hunt next week.
Writing thank you letters to Percy on behalf of the animals in the park.
Cheerio bird feeders.
Using the rainbow and blocks to create different structures.
What concentration! Beading and decorating our branch sculpture! 🎨
Working together to measure and pour sand into the different containers.



Lollypop Visitors

We were very lucky today to have our Lollypop people Sandra and Kenny visit us to show us how to cross the road safely.  We got to try on Kenny’s  jacket and hold his lollypop stick. It was quite heavy.  We practised being the Lollypop person.  We drew pictures of them and made traffic lights.  We read about Ziggy too, who helped to keep everyone safe on the road.   We learned so much today. Thank you, Kenny and Sandra!



Lotty’s Dad©

“Good Afternoon! “said our visiting Firefighter, as he walked in the door. “Good Afternoon, Lotty’s Dad! “ replied the children.    We hadn’t rehearsed this. The children were enthralled.

Mr Martin –  aka  “Lotty’s Dad” –  arrived to talk to us about being a firefighter and all the things he does.  It is a really dangerous job and we didn’t envy him.  He told us about the importance of smoke alarms and about what to do if our house was on fire.

He then asked Mrs Arbuckle to demonstrate putting on the firefighters special clothes.  The clothes were very hot to wear and were very heavy.  Not very comfortable at all.  We all got to try on part of the special clothes and we had so much fun.  It looked chaotic, but we learned so much .

Thank you very much for a very memorable afternoon, Mr Martin and for taking the time to visit us.




It’s A Puppet!

We looked at telling rhymes through using puppets.  We had little squeaky voices, high pitched voices, gruff voices and big, deep voices. It was a lot of fun.  We made sock puppets and designed puppets. We put on performances in the Puppet Theatre, practised our voices with the use of Buster ( our class Puppet) and we thoroughly enjoyed watching the Puppet scene, ” The Lonely Goat Herd ” from ” The Sound of Music” .  Yodel- ay – ee!!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears!

We had a fantastic afternoon yesterday imagining we were Goldilocks! We were very brave and sampled the three bears porridge. Daddy bear’s porridge was far too salty and we all agreed it didn’t taste very nice. Mummy bear’s porridge was too sugary and baby bear’s porridge was just right.

We also tried sitting on the bear’s chairs to see which chair was the most comfortable! For the taller pupils in the class, daddy’s chair was fine but for the shorter pupils in the class it was far too big.

We also created portraits of Goldilocks using beautiful golden wool for her hair. What a busy afternoon!

3 Pigs Home Construction™

After reading the “Three Little Pigs,” we attempted our own pigs inspired home construction. Could we build similar homes that could withstand the huffing and puffing from the big bad wolf? (Aka Mrs Hamilton and her Airzooka!)

Wide straw houses
Tall straw houses
Airzooka obliterates the house of straw!
Laying stick foundations
Building up the walls

We experimented with straw, sticks and wooden blocks. It was great fun and we managed to prove that, yes, the fairytale was in fact ‘very’ accurate. Our wolf could blow down the house made of straw and sticks, but the house of bricks stood firm.

Mustn’t forget the chimney!
Building strong, supported walls