Category Archives: Science

Snowmen materials

How do you keep a snowman from melting? Which materials work best? We watched Olaf sing his song from “Frozen” and decided why he couldn’t survive summer. We then tested different materials and decided that the tinfoil worked best.  We then looked at the properties of salt and its effect on ice.  Too little and it melts ( great for paths on icy days) but too much salt makes the ice grow colder and we were able to stick two ice cubes together! Amazing!

Outdoor Learning in Science

Some days our learning takes place outdoors.  There is so much to see and do! We put on our jackets, zip up and we can’t wait to get outside. Today we were looking for natural items to put in our science pocket books. We found different leaves, seed pods, feathers, daisies and buttercups.  We even stopped off in our outdoor classroom to look at all of our discoveries.

We apologise if your child comes home a bit muddy. It just means that they have had even more fun learning.  ( Teachers get covered in it too!)  Always let mud dry and then it brushes off very easily.


We looked at our runner bean plants using our digital microscope. We were amazed by what we saw. We saw the veins in the leaves; tiny hairy  leaves that were about to open and  plant roots.  We also looked at the seeds which hadn’t grown, to see if we could suggest what their problem was.  One had become mouldy due to over watering.

Looking at the seed as it emerges from its pod.
This seed had stopped growing.
These roots look amazing!
This seed had turned to mush and went mouldy.
We looked at the veins in the leaf.
We were amazed to see our plants close up. Mrs Arbuckle put the microscope into focus for us.

Discovery Tables

Our Discovery Tables have differed in the last two weeks.

Last week’s table focused on looking closely at natural objects.  It is amazing what you can see under a magnifying glass!

Lots of things here to discover!
What shall we look at first?


Our next Discovery Table was full of shiny objects. We had to take a close look at ourselves in them. They made us look very different. We also shone torches on them to discover what happens.

Lots of lovely shiny objects.
Amazing colours!

Flower Parts

We have learned about parts of flowers by looking at real flowers, pulling them apart and naming them.  We then looked at TigTag Jr , which showed us all about the cycle of flowers from seeds.  We then made our own flowers to include petals, stems, leaves and pollen.

Arranging flower parts.
Choosing flower parts.
We chose our parts from stocks, wallflowers and gladioli.
We are making our flowers.