Category Archives: Play

Getting Involved In Play

The teachers get involved in play too. We don’t direct it, we just join in and let the children lead us.  We don’t often get photos of this as we are  busy playing.  However, the iPad was quickly brought out to capture Mrs Hamilton being measured.  Was the “worm” longer than her and several children?  One child made the “ worm” and other children asked the question and wanted to discover the answer.

Imagination City

When we play in 1.4, we use our imaginations.  The conversations between the children are amazing.  We could never teach that.  Sweep in Busters kennel was so funny ( to see his “expression” said it all! ); one child being the “Mystery Reader ” was brilliant; the discussions on texture at the water beads was unbelievable.  We don’t ask the children to do these things. They are just learning through play.

Children at Play

Play is such a valuable part of children’s learning.  It makes learning fun for children and they also learn important social skills, such as taking turns, listening, imagination and problem solving.  We try to provide stimulating play activities for the children .  We ask them what they would like.  This week, the craft table and play doh were popular requests.

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