Category Archives: Mathematics

Making Maths Fun

We try to make the children’s learning as active as possible and we are always trying to come up with new ideas.

We learned to add today by using the droppers and putting out little pools of water onto our adding boards and writing the calculation.

We  counted our pennies today, by seeing how many we could put on the lemon before it rolled.  ( Today’s record was four!!)

We also continued to look at  the comparison of size, using our loose parts.

All in a mornings work!

Scottish Maths Week

We love maths in P1.4 and this week has been no exception.  We have been learning to count and write numbers with “El Nombre” – you must know his song by now!   We have been practicing to count and write to and from 10 and measured our runner beans using cubes for non standard units.

This week, we have focused on days of the week, seasons, and months. We sorted different items into seasons and then sorted our birthdays into seasons.  ( That was tricky!)  We made a pictograph with our information. We discovered that the most popular season to have a birthday is in winter.

Our Seasonal Birthday Graph
In Summer, we cover up from the sun.
In Spring, flowers start to grow and lambs are born.
In Autumn, the leaves turn brown and orange and fall offf the trees.
In winter we need things to keep us warm.

Whose Runner Bean Plant Is The Tallest?

Our runner beans are running away! We decided to measure them using cubes.  We were amazed to discover that Isaac ‘s plant was the tallest with 37cubes!  Woah! It was like a beanstalk!

We also discovered that some seeds did not grow at all. These things happen! Maybe there was not enough light or too much/ too little water.

Mrs Arbuckle shows us to measure with string first and then cubes.
Getting ready to measure our runner beans.
Counting cubes.
We placed the string on the table and linked the cubes together and then counted them.
Our amazing graph.