Category Archives: Mathematics

We finished S.T.E.M fortnight by taking part in five, fun S.T.E.M activities. We enjoyed our afternoon working together, learning and having fun!

The activities we did were:

3D Shapes – we used matchsticks and play dough to make some 3D shapes like cubes and cuboids.

Lego – we had to make our names using Lego.

Floating Ball – using a straw and a piece of paper we had to create something that would make a tin foil ball float! This was tricky.

Making Bridges – our challenge here was to create bridges for our teddy bears to cross using cups and lollipop sticks. How many teddies will our bridge support?

Marble run – We had to work together and use the pipes and try and get the marbles from one side of the sand pit to the other!

We will get a chance this week to try challenges we haven’t done yet.



Percy the Park Keeper

This term we are looking at parks and our local environment. So far we have talked about all the different parks we have visited, what we can see and do there and what animals might live in the park. This will help us when we come to designing and making our own mini parks!

We have also been reading Percy the Park Keeper stories and have created our very own Percy Hut! However, silly Mrs Hamilton forgot to leave mugs and a kettle in the hut! Apparently Percy and the park animals need their hot cocoa!

Pupil watching from Percy’s Hut! Great practise for the bird hunt next week.
Writing thank you letters to Percy on behalf of the animals in the park.
Cheerio bird feeders.
Using the rainbow and blocks to create different structures.
What concentration! Beading and decorating our branch sculpture! 🎨
Working together to measure and pour sand into the different containers.




We are learning all about symmetry this week.  We talked about the line of symmetry and how each side must be identical. We used lots of different resources and loose parts to stimulate our creativity.  We demonstrated some brilliant ideas.  Mission accomplished!


Outdoor Maths

Sometimes, we go outdoors to learn and it is a lot of fun.  A group went out to learn some playground number games .  Rules had to be followed, turns had to be taken and a lot of patience was to be had, but we got there!



Asda Revisited

The second half of the class visited Asda today. It was great to do the shopping and then we all took it in turns to “beep” the item at the till. We then took the total of coins out of the till and we had to match them to big money cards.  Thank you, Asda!


Some  of us got to go to Asda this week as part of our Developing Young Workforce lessons.  We became till operators and got to work with real money.  We wore our special high viz jackets, so people didn’t think we were real workers! We had a brilliant experience.  Some of our boys and girls will go next week.