Category Archives: Literacy

A busy day indeed!

We had a very busy end to the week in 1.4. We welcomed visitors from Primary 7 who read us their wonderful stories which they had written and illustrated. The class thought they were wonderful. Then we had a cultural talk from Mrs Ali who told us about Pakistan and traditional food and clothes which was very interesting. We finished the day with our final Mearns Masters of the day where the children in the Design and Manufacture group finished their wonderful puppets and took them outside for a puppet show! We were all very tired after our busy day and are looking forward to the long holiday weekend! Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine everyone 😀


We have been learning about alphabetical order. We organised our tricky words into alphabetical order and wrote them on our whiteboards. Some of us worked independently to sort some words alphabetically.

We finished S.T.E.M fortnight by taking part in five, fun S.T.E.M activities. We enjoyed our afternoon working together, learning and having fun!

The activities we did were:

3D Shapes – we used matchsticks and play dough to make some 3D shapes like cubes and cuboids.

Lego – we had to make our names using Lego.

Floating Ball – using a straw and a piece of paper we had to create something that would make a tin foil ball float! This was tricky.

Making Bridges – our challenge here was to create bridges for our teddy bears to cross using cups and lollipop sticks. How many teddies will our bridge support?

Marble run – We had to work together and use the pipes and try and get the marbles from one side of the sand pit to the other!

We will get a chance this week to try challenges we haven’t done yet.



Percy the Park Keeper

This term we are looking at parks and our local environment. So far we have talked about all the different parks we have visited, what we can see and do there and what animals might live in the park. This will help us when we come to designing and making our own mini parks!

We have also been reading Percy the Park Keeper stories and have created our very own Percy Hut! However, silly Mrs Hamilton forgot to leave mugs and a kettle in the hut! Apparently Percy and the park animals need their hot cocoa!

Pupil watching from Percy’s Hut! Great practise for the bird hunt next week.
Writing thank you letters to Percy on behalf of the animals in the park.
Cheerio bird feeders.
Using the rainbow and blocks to create different structures.
What concentration! Beading and decorating our branch sculpture! 🎨
Working together to measure and pour sand into the different containers.



Chinese New Year

Mrs Geary  ( aka Robert’s mum) came in to visit us this morning.   She told us all about Chinese New Year.  It was amazing.  She taught us how to write “Happy New Year” in Mandarin  and we all got to try the chopsticks.  They were great fun! ( we loved them so much that we are using them to pick up the water beads in the tuff tray)

Mrs Geary told us all about why there are animals for every year.  We are mostly snakes and dragons in 1.4.    Mrs Hamilton knew her entire family!

Mrs Geary has given us all red envelopes and chopsticks to take home.  That was very kind of her.   We have learned so much today.  Thank you, Mrs Geary.




Burns Visitor

We had a visit from the wonderful Angus Middleton.  Angus is a world expert on Burns and there is nothing that he does not know. We prepared lots of questions for him and he was able to give us the answers.  It was great to hear from  someone who has  such enthusiasm .  Thank you, Angus!


Burns House Challenge

We had a Burns House Challenge and the whole school practiced a song or a poem and then the children decided who was through to the final round.  Sophie in 1.4 represented Maple for the Primary Ones and sang “Coulter’s Candy”.  The judges from the World Burns Federation came along, so it was serious stuff.   It was a double celebration for Sophie’s family as her brother also got through to the final for the Primary Fours.   Well done!!