Category Archives: IDL

Royal Wedding Excitement

We had some beautiful bridesmaids

We even had a wedding cake and table decorations!

The nursery had  decorated their den, isn’t it beautiful

We pretended to get married, with an pianist and everything!

We had fun in the nursery learning about weddings and celebrating the Royal Wedding.


We have been learning about alphabetical order. We organised our tricky words into alphabetical order and wrote them on our whiteboards. Some of us worked independently to sort some words alphabetically.

It’s busy in 1.4

We are always busy in 1.4. Even if we are not working with a teacher, we always have something to do, as we learn through play.  The teachers still watch what is going on and still interact with all the children.  It is often lovely to watch the children and we learn from them too.


Jack And The Beanstalk

We read Jack and The Beanstalk as part of our Social Studies topic. We have planted our seeds, made the castles, written about it and drawn the pictures.  There never seems to be a moment in 1.4 when we aren’t busy. 👍

Retelling the story.
Drawing the pictures to the story they have discussed with the teacher.
Using fine motor skills to colour and glitter the castle pictures.