Category Archives: Expressive Arts

A busy day indeed!

We had a very busy end to the week in 1.4. We welcomed visitors from Primary 7 who read us their wonderful stories which they had written and illustrated. The class thought they were wonderful. Then we had a cultural talk from Mrs Ali who told us about Pakistan and traditional food and clothes which was very interesting. We finished the day with our final Mearns Masters of the day where the children in the Design and Manufacture group finished their wonderful puppets and took them outside for a puppet show! We were all very tired after our busy day and are looking forward to the long holiday weekend! Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine everyone 😀

Easter Egg Competition


Dear Parents/Carers,

On 29th March 2018 we will be hosting our third House Challenge. The Challenge was decided by House and Vice Captains and will involve children designing a hard-boiled egg in keeping with the theme chosen for their house.

Children should wear an accessory of their house colour on the day but remain in full school uniform for the Easter service.

The chosen themes by house and vice captains are:

  • Oak: Film Stars
  • Cedar: Book Characters
  • Poplar: Superheroes
  • Beech: TV Stars (Cartoons, reality, presenters etc…)
  • Maple: Pop Stars/ Musicians

Eggs should be designed at home, by children for homework throughout the week of 26th March 2018 and brought into school on 29th March for the House Challenge. Eggs will be shown within the class and children will have the opportunity to discuss their design process. There will be one winner selected from each house, per stage. A winner will be selected per house for both nursery am and pm children. All winners from this round will earn 5 points for their house and a special treat!

These winning designs will then be looked at more closely by our judges who will decide on an overall first, second, third, fourth and fifth place house who will win 100, 75, 50, 25 and 10 points respectively. Our judging process and revealing of the winners will be live-tweeted so that pupils can watch from their classrooms, nursery am children can watch from home and parents can find out the results all at the same time!

This challenge should be a lot of fun and we cannot wait to see all of the designs!

Happy egg-decorating!

Miss Thomson & Miss Barr

(House Coordinators)

Percy the Park Keeper

This term we are looking at parks and our local environment. So far we have talked about all the different parks we have visited, what we can see and do there and what animals might live in the park. This will help us when we come to designing and making our own mini parks!

We have also been reading Percy the Park Keeper stories and have created our very own Percy Hut! However, silly Mrs Hamilton forgot to leave mugs and a kettle in the hut! Apparently Percy and the park animals need their hot cocoa!

Pupil watching from Percy’s Hut! Great practise for the bird hunt next week.
Writing thank you letters to Percy on behalf of the animals in the park.
Cheerio bird feeders.
Using the rainbow and blocks to create different structures.
What concentration! Beading and decorating our branch sculpture! 🎨
Working together to measure and pour sand into the different containers.



Rehearsing for “Sing”

We loved “Sing”and decided that if we were animals,  we would have to dance too.   We split up into groups and decided which animals we would be and which dance we would do.  Some were chest beating gorillas; some were snapping crocodiles; some were ballroom dancing hippos ( they had a decidedly  Strictly influence and would have scored 7! ) and one group were tap dancing giraffes.  There were lots of giggles as they demonstrated their dances to the music.  One child sang “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” as they danced.  It made a change from their rendition of “Lord of the Dance” the previous week! 😁😁