Today we were working in pairs trying to help our partner get from the start to the finishing line! We had to work our way around the chairs which was quite tricky. Our focus for the challenge was to make right angle turns, we traced our journeys using chalk and then we could then see the right angles on the ground.
We have been looking for right-angles around the classroom and yesterday we used twigs and cubes to make our own right-angles. Each group created their own design using squares and rectangles. We used the little cubes to show where the angles are.
Here are a few snap shots of our learning so far this week. We have been busy looking at 2D shape patterns, more than and less than, Carroll diagrams and number work.
We took our learning outside and created Carroll diagrams in groups while sorting 2D shapes. Another group used the wide open space to fill in missing numbers on huge number lines!
We read the story Hansel and Gretel in class. We then took part in different activities from the story. The first activity was to design a sweetie house! We had to use ALL of the sweeties for the house!
At our investigation table we had to make a path for Hansel and Gretel so that they could find the sweetie house. We used wool and gems to show which way to go. We also decorated the sweetie house with colourful stones and gems. They were all different as we chose different colours and stones for our houses.
Decorating a sweetie houseFinding our way through he woods
We watched Judge Jenny listening to the views of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.Here comes the judge!The bear’s have their say.
Today we listened to a trial between Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We heard the story from the point of view of Goldilocks and then the Three Bears. Judge Jenny asked questions and tried to find solutions.
Goldilocks came to answer our questions that we had written.Goldilocks was very good at answering our questions! ( Thank you, Miss Hunter!)
Then we had a special visitor! Goldilocks came to visit our class and we were able to ask her the questions that we had come up with in our writing .
We enjoyed asking her questions to find out more about why she went into the Three Bears house and what happened when the Bears came home and found her.
Just another – East Renfrewshire site