
We have had a great start to our year and the children are all  very happy in class.

Thank you for your assistance on Day One.  All of the children have settled into the routine of unpacking their bags and ordering lunch with remarkable ease.

Just a few reminders:

Please label everything belonging to your child. We have already have some unnamed  unclaimed waterproof jackets in class.   A lot of the school jackets look the same , so a named label really helps your child to identify their property.  ( Write it on pen on the label.  Printed labels often fall off after a few wears.)

Accidents do happen in class.  This is normal school life in Primary One!  If your child is sent home with fresh clothes, can you please wash them and return them as soon as possible as we are in short supply.

A few parents have  spoken to us about their child’s dietary requirements.   Our school lunch menu always has halal options. Please note that we are a ” nut free” school.

If you have written a note in  your child’s diary, please remind them to show us.  We do check the diaries, but some children forget to leave them out for us to see and we can miss out on important information.

Thank you for all your support.   It is truly appreciated.

Elaine Arbuckle/Catriona Hamilton/Lisa James
