Numeracy activities

Here are a few snap shots of our learning so far this week.  We have been busy looking at 2D shape patterns, more than and less than, Carroll diagrams and number work.

We took our learning outside and created Carroll diagrams in groups while sorting 2D shapes.  Another group used the wide open space to fill in missing numbers on huge number lines!

We finished S.T.E.M fortnight by taking part in five, fun S.T.E.M activities. We enjoyed our afternoon working together, learning and having fun!

The activities we did were:

3D Shapes – we used matchsticks and play dough to make some 3D shapes like cubes and cuboids.

Lego – we had to make our names using Lego.

Floating Ball – using a straw and a piece of paper we had to create something that would make a tin foil ball float! This was tricky.

Making Bridges – our challenge here was to create bridges for our teddy bears to cross using cups and lollipop sticks. How many teddies will our bridge support?

Marble run – We had to work together and use the pipes and try and get the marbles from one side of the sand pit to the other!

We will get a chance this week to try challenges we haven’t done yet.



Easter Egg Competition


Dear Parents/Carers,

On 29th March 2018 we will be hosting our third House Challenge. The Challenge was decided by House and Vice Captains and will involve children designing a hard-boiled egg in keeping with the theme chosen for their house.

Children should wear an accessory of their house colour on the day but remain in full school uniform for the Easter service.

The chosen themes by house and vice captains are:

  • Oak: Film Stars
  • Cedar: Book Characters
  • Poplar: Superheroes
  • Beech: TV Stars (Cartoons, reality, presenters etc…)
  • Maple: Pop Stars/ Musicians

Eggs should be designed at home, by children for homework throughout the week of 26th March 2018 and brought into school on 29th March for the House Challenge. Eggs will be shown within the class and children will have the opportunity to discuss their design process. There will be one winner selected from each house, per stage. A winner will be selected per house for both nursery am and pm children. All winners from this round will earn 5 points for their house and a special treat!

These winning designs will then be looked at more closely by our judges who will decide on an overall first, second, third, fourth and fifth place house who will win 100, 75, 50, 25 and 10 points respectively. Our judging process and revealing of the winners will be live-tweeted so that pupils can watch from their classrooms, nursery am children can watch from home and parents can find out the results all at the same time!

This challenge should be a lot of fun and we cannot wait to see all of the designs!

Happy egg-decorating!

Miss Thomson & Miss Barr

(House Coordinators)

Visitors in P1.4


We have had lots of visitors into Primary 1 recently.

Mr Tyler came in as part of STEM fortnight and talked to us about science and did some exciting experiments to inspire us to become interested in science.

Mrs Campbell was our mystery reader last week. We thoroughly enjoyed the story about The Carrot Cake Catastrophe. We are looking for mystery readers for the up and coming weeks so let us know if you would like to come in and read to the class.

As part of STEM week Mrs Heaton came in and told us about her job as an Environmental Health Officer.  She talked to us about what she needs to wear when she carries out inspections and she showed us how we can see the dirt and germs on our hands using an ultra violet light machine.

STEM fortnight

This week we have taken part in a range of activities for STEM fortnight.

This is what STEM stands for:

S   Science

T   Technology

E   Engineering

M   Mathematics

We had a visit from the Scottish SPCA and an optometrist from Boots Opticians.

Next week we are going to complete more challenges as part of STEM fortnight.

Here we are spelling STEM with our bodies.  We had to work as a team.  This included problem solving and talking to each other, sharing instructions.

Didn’t we do well!

We’re going on a bird hunt

Primary 1.4 have been learning about collecting data. We went on a bird hunt and used tally marks to record the birds that we saw. In the outdoor classroom we counted up our tally marks and gave each bird a total. We discovered that the most common bird were blackbirds. We are going to use our data to create pictograms. We had great fun learning outdoors!

Busy bees in 1.4

It has been a busy few weeks in 1.4 with lots of exciting new learning experiences as our classroom is forever changing! Have a look and see what we have been up to.

Using containers, natural materials and a pan balance in the sand pit

Drawing some fantastic birds for our park area

Building and fixing

Counting using the interactive whiteboard

Feeding the birds in he school Eco Garden

Here we are making bird feeders for the Eco Garden

Using Cheerios to make calculations

Word building using natural materials

Ordering objects smallest to largest