Celebrating St.Andrew’s Day in tartan style with shortbread – yum!
Category: Uncategorized
Scavenger Hunt
In Science, we have been learning to distingish between living and non-living things. As part of our learning, we decided to go on a scavenger hunt. Our super science technicians from P7, Ruby and Kara accompanied us in our walk to the eco garden followed by the woods. We took the petri dishes with us to take our findings back into class and looked at them under a microscope. Looking at them so closely was interesting. At the end we made sure our bugs were put back in the eco garden safely.
Wear Red Day 2017 & Harvest
Thank you for participating in ‘Wear Red Day 2017’ to show your support for anti-racism education.
One of our school Ministers, Dave, called in to talk about Harvest and why it is important to share our food.
P2 during their judo taster session in the gym.
The boys and girls listened carefully to the instructions whilst working with their partners.
Sports Day
Although the sun wasn’t shining for us, that didn’t stop us. We had our Sports Day in the gym hall yesterday. Here we are waiting for our turn.
Look at us go!
Congratulations to all Primary 1.3 sporting stars!
Our P1.3 medalists – Charlie Cunningham (Silver), Christopher Snowden (Bronze) and Anna Hill (Bronze) for the Flat Race. Gregor Adamson (Silver) and Aleena Shoaib (Silver) for the Bean Bag Balance Race.