Category Archives: Literacy

We ❤️Reading

We might not have our own reading books in class and at home, but we are still reading in class.  It is always good to read.  Here we are enjoying our “Floppy” books.  We can read so much now that we are at the end of Primary One.  We have come a long way.

Just Another Fun Packed Day in 1.3

It’s another day in 1.3 learning through  play.   Some people built towers and measured each other. Some people did maths with the ducks. Some people sang “5 little ducks”.  Some people were creative with the play doh and some people drew pictures with wonderful stories.   Mrs Arbuckle read a story , which led to a discussion about astronauts that she hadn’t even dreamed about this morning!  Mrs  Arbuckle doesn’t ask them to do these things…. it all happens naturally. 😁

Scavenger Hunt

We did a scavenger hunt this afternoon using the letters of the alphabet.   We had to chose a card and find something and show it to Mrs Arbuckle.    F for feathers; y for a yoghurt pot; g for grass etc.  It was hard work in the warm sunshine.


“We haven’t done any work today!”

When we review our day, Mrs Arbuckle is often told “we haven’t done any work today!”  This makes her smile.  Play makes us learn so much, but we don’t realise it’s work!  Balancing nuts and bolts? That will be maths.  Building a den? That will be STEM.   Looking at our plants with magnifying glasses? That will be science.  Touching the meteors and the moon rocks?  That will be STEM.  Reading stories? That will be literacy…… and so it goes….😁👍