We were learning all about parts of flowers. We looked at pictures of flowers and we looked at real flowers. They were amazing. We could see the pollen inside them and we knew that the bees love pollen. We learned about petals, the stem, the roots and the leaves. We then made our flowers with all the different parts. They look good.
Every day we learn something new through play. ( Arthur learned how to free the soil from the tubes with much perseverance!) Overheard conversations are always a joy to hear as children always put each other to the test and try new things. They are also very good at encouraging each other.
We are looking at growing seeds and parts of flowers in science now. Today, we started by looking at Percy The Park Keeper and all the work he has to do to look after the park. We will be looking after our school Eco Garden and planting in class. We now have Percy’s hut in class. We can pretend to be Percy and cook in his little hut; take notes and use the binoculars to look for birds in the playground.
We love Sumdog in 1.3. It is such a good way to learn numbers, addition and subtraction. We use it as part of our homework every other week and we look at the number of questions each child has answered when we are altogether in class. We use it for our iPad sessions in class just now. The chat about numbers is brilliant! 😁
Adrienne came in to tell us about Daniel and the Lion’s Den. It was a really good story, but quite scary. Adrienne brought some things in for us to see to give us clues about the story. We were a very good audience.
We have been learning to skip. It is a lost skill and it is such good exercise. It was really difficult in the first week, but we are now getting the hang of it. Big ropes next week! 👍
Our class changes all the time according to the children’s needs. The children are encouraged not only to learn , but to develop social skills and resilience.
In our writing lesson this week, we prepared questions for Goldilocks. We were learning about asking questions, and who better to ask! We asked some burning questions such as, ” Why did you just go into the Bears Cottage?” and ” How did Baby bear’s bed feel? ” Goldilocks visited us with Daddy Bear and she answered all our questions. We decided that she was very naughty. ( Thank you, Mrs Gray!)
Our class has changed again, as the children wanted to learn about dinosaurs, then the conversation turned to fossils. There are dinosaurs to play with; bones to discover; fossils to make and curiosity to be satisfied. The conversations which have been sparked have been amazing.
At our Mearns Masters classes, we have all split up into our Houses and are doing different activities. Mrs Arbuckle’s group are fund raising for CHAS and are making teddy bears to give to other boys and girls who are not so lucky as us. We will celebrate the end of our activities with a Teddy Bears Picnic.
Johnny from CHAS, came to talk to us and gave us different activities to do. Mrs Kelly from the Nursery told us a bear story.
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