The Duster Monster

The Duster Monster visited us today.  We looked at how the electric circuit makes the Duster Monster move around.  We also had to solve some problems:

  • What happens when the circuit is broken?
  • How do we fix a broken wire?
  • What do. we think has happened when we have tried to fix all the problems, but it still won’t work?

There were a lot of giggles as it moved around.



Royal Wedding Fun

The sun shone and Mrs Arbuckle had an excuse to wear a frock and a tiara. We couldn’t have had a better day for our Royal Wedding Party fun.  We danced; we made flower bouquets and wrote our wedding invitations;  we  played party games and ate and drank.  Thank you to all of our parents who dressed the children in their wedding clothes.  ( Mrs Arbuckle hid the felt pens and glue  to avoid any disasters. ! 😁👍)


The Lost Sheep

Adrienne came in to tell us another Bible story today.  She told us that she had lost her car keys in the room and we had to search for them.  She then told us another story about something else that was lost.  It was the story of “The Lost Sheep”.   We had actions to do when she told us the story.  She then had a little “true or false” quiz at the end for us. We were good at it.

Playing in the sunshine

It doesn’t happen very often, but the sun shone and it was really warm.  We had been practicing for our show with Primary 2 and 3 and had been sitting for a very long time.  There was nothing else for it- we had to go out and run about in the sunshine on the adventure playground.  It made  us very thirsty, so we got a big drink from our water bottles when we went back indoors.

“We haven’t done any work today!”

When we review our day, Mrs Arbuckle is often told “we haven’t done any work today!”  This makes her smile.  Play makes us learn so much, but we don’t realise it’s work!  Balancing nuts and bolts? That will be maths.  Building a den? That will be STEM.   Looking at our plants with magnifying glasses? That will be science.  Touching the meteors and the moon rocks?  That will be STEM.  Reading stories? That will be literacy…… and so it goes….😁👍


Moon Rocks and Meteors

We were extremely fortunate to have genuine moon rocks from the actual moon in school today.  What a thrill.   They came all the way from NASA.  We also had meteors that came from Mars.  Our lovely P7 Lab Technicians came in to tell us all about them.  They told us lots of information. We watched the moon landing too and discovered why the astronauts had to “bounce” around.   They were also quite clumsy because of their big spacesuits.