After all our hard work learning about symmetry we finished off with a fun session. Look out for some examples outside the classroom when you come for your parent/teacher interview.
Library Visits
Once a fortnight we visit the school library and have the opportunity to borrow a library book. The children enjoy these sessions and it is a great chance to look at different types of books.
The children have had a fabulous time working on their dribbling and teamwork skills.
Science – Materials
In Science we are finding out about materials and their properties, for example, rough, smooth and waterproof.
We braved the cold and went on a ‘materials hunt’ today.
We looked at the school building and objects in the playground.
Carefully we made a list of these and thought about what materials they are made from.
Next we are going to sort materials into lists of those that are natural and manmade. We’ll also be carrying out some investigations to find out about their properties.
Just a note to let you know that the children will be receiving some football training on a Tuesday afternoon. It would be helpful if they could bring their gym kit on a Tuesday until the end of February. I am sure we will all have lots of fun and will learn some new skills.