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We are counting up to 100 in 10’s.

In mental maths we count forwards and back while keeping a beat by clapping and tapping. We count up in 1’s, 2’s and 10’s and try to count down too.

After finishing our task, which was vertical addition, we enjoy playing maths games.

Social Studies

In Social Studies we’ve been finding out about types of weather. We went onto the pitch and measured the wind and its direction. In the playground we looked for evidence of different weathers . In class we’ve spoken about our climate, amazing how much the children know about the rain !! After this, we matched the correct clothing to the weather. The children enjoyed talking about places they’ve been on holiday and the weather there.


In our weather topic we’ve  looked at seasons. It was great to have so many children collecting all colours and shapes of leaves , acorns , chestnuts and nuts to show the class. One very kind grandad even sent in lots of lovely, shiny conkers. He put some on string and we are going to play conkers during golden time tomorrow.