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During our maths period we used the IPads to practise our mental maths. We played Sumdog, Education City and King of Maths. children’s logins and passwords are at the front of their diaries if you want to play at home.


Today we started to make our own Maths board games. The idea is to make a game all about the months of the year or number words to 100. We’ll continue making them next week and then the best part- playing them !






The Boat Challenge

Primary 2 classes were given a challenge to make a boat that floats. We used plastic, cardboard, straws, sellotape and elastic bands. We began  by designing the boat.

We worked  in design groups.


Once we had agreed on our design we began making our boats.

Fantastic team work and focus once again.

Testing our boats.



We learned about choosing suitable materials in our design.

We had great fun !

Wind Turbines and sustainability

As part of STEM fortnight a P2.8 parent came in to tell us about her career as an engineer. She gave the children the opportunity to make a mini wind turbine. With a fan acting as the wind, the boys and girls measured the energy produced by their turbine

The concentration was brilliant !

Dino kept an eye on our progress !

and now to measure the energy created ….

Matthew connected the energy meter for us.

The children loved watching the meter numbers going up and up.

I think we all want to be engineers now , it was so interesting.

Thanks to the P.2.8 mum for visiting us today. We loved it !