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Education City


Today I have updated Education City with a range of activities. These can be found under the homework section and are aimed at reinforcing the children’s learning. They can be completed in your own time.  The focus is on sounding and blending, digraphs (oi, ai, ee, ch…) and reading comprehension. If anyone has difficulty accessing these games please let me know 🙂 Written Maths homework will be issued home in the coming weeks.

Happy Tuesday!

Miss O’Neil

Happy New Year :)

We hope you have all had a wonderful break 🙂

Before the holidays, p1.2 were asked for their Christmas wishes. They were told that these could be ANYTHING they wanted.  Below is the video of their responses. We hope you find this video as entertaining as we did 🙂

(Apologies this was not uploaded before we stopped- due to the size of the file it was a little more complicated.)

Christmas party

We had a wonderful time at our Christmas party yesterday! We played corners, musical statues and pass the parcel. There are some pictures below of our excellent statues – look at the concentration on our faces!  We also had a little dance competition where the teachers chose the two best dancers from each class. It was very tricky choosing from our class as we have lots of fantastic dancers! Well done to Yunus & Anna for your extra special moves which won you the prizes.

We also had a surprise visitor … Santa Claus! He left us a sack of presents which we were very thankful for.

A great day all round 🙂

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