During Maths time today, we used the new Google Chromebooks. We played Maths games on Education City, developing our skills in identifying 3D shapes, adding and subtracting.
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Group treat
Well done to the Turtles for reaching 10 Dojo Points! As their reward they chose ‘playtime with the teacher’. We played games, danced and had lots of fun! Poor Emily wasn’t best pleased that Miss O’Neil stopped her amazing dancing to snap a picture!
We had a visit from dentists today teaching us all about healthy and unhealthy food. We didn’t like seeing pictures of rotten teeth!
Chinese New Year Assembly
P1.2 were fantastic this morning! When we returned to class they were all very pleased with their amazing performance. We have filmed the assembly today for anyone who could not make it along or would like to watch it one more time! I’m sure the children will be thrilled to see themselves.
Thanks for being a wonderful audience!
Miss O’Neil
Number Bonds
During ICT today we put our number bond knowledge to great use! We played Maths games using the website Topmarks and demonstrated good teamwork with our partners!