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Kindness Challenge

The boys and girls in p1.2 have been challenged to do something nice/kind for a member of their family. We have spoken a lot about being kind to others and how it makes us feel when somebody is kind to us.


Please report what your child does in the comments below and I will feedback to the class 🙂


The children’s phonics booklets have now been replaced with jotters. The children are required to LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE and CHECK their words TWICE. After this, they should choose ONE word to include in a sentence. I have attached a document below so you are able to see how this should be laid out.

Many thanks for your support 🙂

Miss O’Neil

Monday 8th May

Winning group

Well done Octopus group for reaching 40 Dojo points 🙂 They were able to achieve this by having a tidy table, getting ready quickly and showing great listening. As their reward they chose to spend playtime with the teacher.

Great job boys and girls!