Category Archives: Numeracy & Maths


We have been working on ‘time’ – quarter past and quarter to.  The children have had fun using the clocks to show their knowledge and have had great success in their written work.  Here they are during a Time warm-up when we did a variety of activities for one minute each.  It was fun to watch the countdown timer!

STEM – Measuring

The children have been learning about measuring using standard units.  We have been focusing on centimetres and metres.  Our first task was to work in a pair to measure items in the playground using either a metre stick or a measuring tape.  After we had measured various items we met in the Outdoor Classroom to discuss our results.


3D Shape

The Maths fun continues.  The children made 3D shapes using mini marshmallows and either spaghetti or cocktail sticks.  The concentration they demonstrated was amazing and the end products were fantastic.  We also managed to fit in some shape sorting!