The Maths fun continues. The children made 3D shapes using mini marshmallows and either spaghetti or cocktail sticks. The concentration they demonstrated was amazing and the end products were fantastic. We also managed to fit in some shape sorting!
The Maths fun continues. The children made 3D shapes using mini marshmallows and either spaghetti or cocktail sticks. The concentration they demonstrated was amazing and the end products were fantastic. We also managed to fit in some shape sorting!
Now that the ice has gone (hopefully till next Winter) we have been able to get out for our Daily Mile. The children have great fun running (or walking) around the pitch and a favourite game is ‘Beat the Teacher!’ It is a fantastic opportunity to get some exercise, fresh air and have a chance to chat with friends.
This week we started to look at 3D shapes. So far we have compared them to 2D shapes, talked about their qualities, made them with playdoh and enjoyed a 3D hunt in the playground. Surprisingly it was the spheres we couldn’t find!
We have been working really hard to join our letters neatly. Here are some examples of our excellent work.
After all our hard work learning about symmetry we finished off with a fun session. Look out for some examples outside the classroom when you come for your parent/teacher interview.