Activities to try at home

I hope everyone is having a great September Weekend!

Just in case you are looking for any activities to do at home, I thought I would share a few simple ideas.



Using a cereal box, scissors, a pen and some pegs I made these simple number cards.  Encourage your child to count out the number of pegs that they need.  Then attach them to the card.

Here, I used an egg box, pen and some pasta.  I wrote numbers in the sections of the box and your child can try to count out pasta pieces to match the number.

Using toy blocks you can encourage your child to build towers or whatever they would like.

Below I have used them to create a simple pattern.  Encourage your child to try and create their own patterns.

You may also wish to use the Top Marks website for some maths games that your child could play which reinforce counting, numbers, shapes and money etc.


Library Visits

Over this year the children will all be invited to visit the library. The first visit has been organised for pre school children who attend nursery on Tuesday 19th September and are in the Blue, Green and Purple Groups.  Please provide appropriate clothing for walking.  Thank you 💛


We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our returning and new families. We hope you will enjoy this blog as much as we do and hope that you will comment and make it as interactive as possible! 💛💚🧡❤️💜💙