Making the most of the cold!

The children have made the most of the freezing temperatures by making ice ornaments for the birds. They added a variety of ingredients like lemon, lime, cranberries to water- left them overnight outside, to freeze and then hung the ice ornaments from the trees for the birds.
The children also made the most of the frost to mark make! They all had a ‘brillllllllllliant’ time! 🥶💛

An oriental feast!

This week, as part of our celebrations leading up to the Chinese New Year, we have been cooking a variety of dishes including spring rolls, curry puffs and sweet corn fritters! The nursery has been smelling amazing whilst they have all been cooking and of course the best bit has been eating them all,up! 😍

Fire safety gym session

Following the children’s interests we have been learning about people who help us – particularly fire fighters. Today in our gym session we sang fires safety songs, we had a bucket race to put the fire out – we also did countdowns to go to a fire exit when the  ‘alarm’ went off! We then played ‘smoke, smoke, fire and all shouted 999!Do ask the children to show you the ‘Stop, drop and roll” and be sure to ask them why they do this!