Eco Bricks collection

Thank you to everyone who created an eco brick as part of the school’s house challenge. We counted the bottles and categorised them into the five houses. We then went on to display this information on a bar chart in our Maths jotters.

Well done to the winning house Poplar with an amazing 22 eco bricks!

Traffic Survey

To further consolidate our learning in using tally marks, we ventured out to the woods at the back of the pitch to give us a perfect view of the Ayr road. For a short period, we recorded all the different vehicles we could see. We looked for cars, vans, lorries, motorbikes and buses. The vehicle we saw most was cars; 22 in 10 minutes ! We were disappointed that we didn’t see any motorbikes 🏍️.


How tall are you? 📏

On Thursday we worked in pairs to measure ourselves! One pupil lay on the ground while the other joined the  unifix cubes together to make a long line beside their partner. We made sure it lined up with the top of our heads and bottom of our feet. It was good fun counting up to 60 and nearly 70 too!

Numbers to 20

During our Mental Maths time, we have been thinking about numbers to 20. This involves us counting forwards and backwards, thinking about numbers before and after and displaying amounts on a number fan.

As we are still learning, we can sometimes get numbers the wrong way around ( 41 instead of 14) but we were superstars today and tried really hard! Look at the numbers we made!

3D Shape Robots

Thank you for all your junk materials. The pupils had a great afternoon sorting and building their shape robots last week.

We categorised every item into each shape: Cylinders, cubes, cuboids, spheres and cones. Anything we didn’t know was put back in the ‘we don’t know’ pile.

Some pupils wanted to work with a friend and others independently. Their creations were brilliant and they were able to engage in conversations about what 3D shape made up different parts of their robots! Some pupils went on to create lovely Lego robots during play.  Well done P1.4!


Today we watched the story ‘Jojo Gnome & the Maths Challenge’. Like the characters in the story, we then took our maths learning outdoors and explored the woodland on the other side of our pitch.

We were gathering objects and comparing their sizes. We used words like; longer, shorter, taller, bigger and smaller. We were great at following instructions!

2D Shape Robots

We had lots of fun creating 2D Shape Robots, yesterday. We revised the shapes; circle, square, triangle and rectangle and learned 2 new shapes.

We counted their sides and talked about what we thought they might be called. After some great answers, the class learned they were called Pentagon (5sides) and Hexagon (6sides). We also talked about how sometimes the beginning of a number word can give us a clue about its meaning:

UNIcycle = 1 wheel

BIcycle = 2 wheels

TRIcycle = 3 wheels

We know that PENT- means 5 and HEX- means 6! We’ll need to ask P7 if they know their Greek and Latin number prefixes like us!

The pupils worked so well in pairs, they are beginning to see the benefits of teamwork and importance of compromise! Well done P1.4!

Monday 29th August

Today in 1.4 we learned the sound ‘i’. We practised forming the letter correctly and had the opportunity to make insects. We also tried blending the sounds we have learned so far to read words such as ‘sat’, ‘it’ and ‘sit’. Mrs Stephenson was very impressed with our efforts!

During Maths times, we have been focusing on forming the numbers 1-10 correctly. To do this we have been using our SmartBoard, whiteboard & pens and play dough. Today we also went outside and used chalk to form the numbers 1-6 and could make these as big or as little as we liked. Some of us made number 1s the length of the P1 playground, they were huge!

This afternoon we started our Mearns Masters Gastronomers programme in the school kitchen. We were thinking about where our food comes from and how to safely chop using the ‘claw’ and ‘bridge’ hold. Mrs Stephenson is saving pictures from this for when we have our permissions back so you can see some of our reactions to fruits we tasted. Avacado was definitely the least favourite!


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