Today in 1.4 we learned the sound ‘i’. We practised forming the letter correctly and had the opportunity to make insects. We also tried blending the sounds we have learned so far to read words such as ‘sat’, ‘it’ and ‘sit’. Mrs Stephenson was very impressed with our efforts!
During Maths times, we have been focusing on forming the numbers 1-10 correctly. To do this we have been using our SmartBoard, whiteboard & pens and play dough. Today we also went outside and used chalk to form the numbers 1-6 and could make these as big or as little as we liked. Some of us made number 1s the length of the P1 playground, they were huge!
This afternoon we started our Mearns Masters Gastronomers programme in the school kitchen. We were thinking about where our food comes from and how to safely chop using the ‘claw’ and ‘bridge’ hold. Mrs Stephenson is saving pictures from this for when we have our permissions back so you can see some of our reactions to fruits we tasted. Avacado was definitely the least favourite!