Spring has Sprung

We have been enjoying exploring the outdoors for signs of Spring. From this, we have become interested in the different minibeasts we have come across. One of our boys found a little ladybird that had lost its way on the pitch. We brought it back into class to have a closer look then set it free on the grass outside. Our play corner is now our ‘Minibeast Investigation’ spot filled with books about different insects along with some insects to study.

P.E: Gymnastics – Balancing


We have been working hard on our body part balances, mirroring balances with partners as well as travelling along a bench, perfecting our shapes and practising our star, tuck and pencil jumps. Exhausting.  The best fun? Walking back from PE on our very skinny tightrope across the lino flooring 😀

Mearns Masters: Designers

This week we started our 3rd Mearns Masters pathway; Designers. We explored different materials and then settled on using clay to create our own models. Everyone came up with 3 ideas on paper.  Each pupil then chose one of their ideas to replicate with clay.  We had some great ideas from rainbows to tigers to cherries and robots! What a creative bunch. I am looking forward to seeing what fantastic product designs the class will come up with next week. Watch this space!

Robert Burns Day

This afternoon we were learning about Robert Burns. We listened to some of his poems and sang Auld Lang Syne! We discussed what some of the words in his poems mean which led us on to recording a variety of Scots words on the board, including some we thought of ourselves. After this, we decided to create a short scene in groups which had to include words from the board. We created our scripts together with our friends and were very creative!

Have a look at the end result 😁

It took a little bit of practice to remember our lines and we were able to laugh together when we made mistakes. It was fantastic to see everyone persevere. We had such a giggle all afternoon 😊

Have a look at some of our outtakes …

P.E at the street


During our street time this morning, we adapted the game of ‘corners’ to reinforce our learning of the different digraphs. Mrs Stephenson firstly called different digraphs and we quickly had to run to the correct one. To develop this, she then called different words asking for us to listen to either the initial, middle or end sound and run to that. We showed excellent recognition of the different sounds 🙂

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