P.E at the street


During our street time this morning, we adapted the game of ‘corners’ to reinforce our learning of the different digraphs. Mrs Stephenson firstly called different digraphs and we quickly had to run to the correct one. To develop this, she then called different words asking for us to listen to either the initial, middle or end sound and run to that. We showed excellent recognition of the different sounds 🙂

Scots Language & Ceilidh dancing💃🕺🏻

In preparation for St Andrew’s Day this Tuesday, we have been learning all things Scots!

We learned some Scottish Country dancing to our new favourite album, “Noo! That’s whit I ca’ Ceilidh Volume 1,” during our P.E. Time. We learned the dance to the Grand Old Duke of York, which is very similar to Scottish Ceilidh dances.  We only had two practises, but I’m sure you will agree the children did a fantastic job! They were exhausted… and so was I. 🙂

Last week we listened to the Gruffalo in Scots! We learned some new Scots words and songs. Hae a wee keek at oor movie!

Have a lovely St Andrews Day on Tuesday. If you do anything ‘Scottish’ please upload it to next week’s homework assignment.

Book Week Scotland

Today for Book Week Scotland we visited Mearns Library.

Before leaving we discussed safety by the road. Mrs Hamilton kindly ordered reflective snap bands for us so we decided to put these on so we could be easily seen on our walk. These are now in our bags for us to keep 🙂 On our journey we kept to the inside of the pavement and  were reminded at each crossing to stop, look, listen and think. Mrs Stephenson enjoyed being our lollypop lady for the day! We also had the opportunity to cross at traffic lights where we had to press a button and wait for the green man.

At the library we sang songs and read stories. It was so lovely and cosy especially after our frosty walk! We have each been given a Bookbug bag which includes three books. We were read each story and voted on our favourite. ‘Inch and Grub’ was the clear winner!

Please follow the link below to vote in the Bookbug Picture Book Prize, this is detailed in the Bookbug bags which have been sent home.


Happy Monday!

Mearns Masters

This afternoon we began our 6 week block of Mearns Masters exploring ‘Coding’. Today our focus was firstly following instructions. For this, we created paper aeroplanes! We knew if we did not do this in the correct sequence the aeroplanes would not look or function the way they should. After this, Mrs Stephenson showed us the controls on a ‘beebot’ and what to do to make it go. It was lots of fun trying these out ourselves although we are finding coding the turns a little tricky. This is something we will explore further next week 🙂 We also had the opportunity to play the ‘beebot’ game on the iPad. It was great to have an afternoon full of fun technology!

Jolly Phonics

Today we learned the new sound ‘i’. We practised forming the letter correctly, identified pictures of objects beginning with ‘i’ and were introduced to blending sounds. We now know four sounds, ‘s’, ‘a’, ‘t’ and ‘i’. This week we will also learn the sounds ‘p’ and ‘n’.

Numeracy & Maths

We are continuing to focus on practising number formation up to the number 10 this week along with challenging our counting skills. We enjoyed using the play-dough today to form different numbers.


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