Space Stations

We have decided to turn our home corner into a Space Station or Mission Control! We came up with questions about space and what we’d like to learn about. We had a look at how Astronauts float in space and how they brush their teeth, sleep, wash their hair, be sick without making a mess, exercise and make sandwiches! We then drew designs of our own space stations and created them using our construction pieces and loose parts! They looked pretty fantastic! Mrs Donnelly was very impressed with our efforts.

Spring has Sprung

We have been enjoying exploring the outdoors for signs of Spring. From this, we have become interested in the different minibeasts we have come across. One of our boys found a little ladybird that had lost its way on the pitch. We brought it back into class to have a closer look then set it free on the grass outside. Our play corner is now our ‘Minibeast Investigation’ spot filled with books about different insects along with some insects to study.

P.E: Gymnastics – Balancing


We have been working hard on our body part balances, mirroring balances with partners as well as travelling along a bench, perfecting our shapes and practising our star, tuck and pencil jumps. Exhausting.  The best fun? Walking back from PE on our very skinny tightrope across the lino flooring 😀

Junk Modelling Rockets

After reading the David Walliams book, “The First Hippo on the Moon,” we have been inspired to make our very own rocket models from junk materials! Thank you for all your contributions from home.

At first we used the 3D shapes we have been learning about to create freestanding rockets.

Once we gathered enough junk materials, Mrs Hamilton gave us our design brief:

Your rocket should:

  • have a pointy top
  • measure over a ruler length
  • be able to stand on its own. NO glue, NO sticky tape AND with nobody holding it!

Every group managed it with little to no adult help! Well done P1.4.

They had a blast! 🙂


Role play corner

The time has finally come to see some faces on our blog! Thank you for everyone who has returned their permissions.

You may have noticed that there are lots of colds going around right now. We decided that we needed a doctors surgery in class complete with a pharmacy to combat all of these nasty bugs!

As you will see in the video, we really get into character during our play. First, the patient needs to check in with the receptionist. Next they are called in to see the doctor who uses lots of different equipment to check the patient is okay. Finally if any medicine is needed the pharmacists are on hand.

Some things I overheard whilst observing;

“I need to wear my mask to speak to you or I’ll catch the coronavirus!”

” There’s nothing wrong with you, you can go now I’ve got lots of people to see.”

“I think your arm is broken, let’s wrap it up.”

It is fantastic to watch 🙂


Class of 2028!

Hello and welcome to Primary 1.4’s class blog. Here we will keep you up to date with what we are doing in school to ensure you feel part of your child’s learning journey at Mearns Primary School. My name is Mrs Stephenson and I am P1.4’s teacher on a Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays. Mrs Hamilton is P1.4’s teacher alternate Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday.

Today was a great first day and I was so impressed with how well the class settled. Our main aim this week is to get to know the children, support them in building relationships with one another and familiarise the class with our routines. I was amazed with the fantastic listening skills, their excellent efforts during tidy up times and the respect shown for adults and each other.

Above are just a few of our popular areas from today. These photographs were taken after our tidy up time, a great example of how well the children looked after their new space! At the moment, we are unable to share photographs of members of the class until permissions are confirmed.

During our story time we thought about how we were feeling and what we were enjoying. Before hometime I was delighted to see lots of thumbs up when asking the children to share how they felt about their day.

This afternoon the children also printed their hands, a perfect keepsake from their first day of school. These will be sent home on Friday 🙂

More information will be available in the coming weeks regarding learning in primary 1 and homework. If you have any questions in the meantime, please get in touch with our school office who will pass any queries onto us.

Thank you,

Mrs Stephenson



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