Values Day & MPS Talent Show

The boys and girls had a fantastic time on Values Day.  There was a silent disco, bouncy castles and we got to eat yummy (and messy!) cupcakes.

1.4 was also so proud to have been given an award at the achievements assembly for the support we have shown our peers throughout the year. We are such a nurturing class and have been so kind to one another. Mrs Hamilton and I are so proud!

Kaydance was also selected to represent p1 in the school talent show and she did a fantastic job. We were blown away by her beautiful singing voice 🙂


During our outdoor P.E time, we are now focusing on hockey. Today our main aim was to hold the hockey stick correctly. Next week we will further develop our skills in moving with a ball. By the end of the lesson today we were very tired so spent 5 minutes having a little rest (some of us even lay down) in the glorious sunshine!

Spring has Sprung

We have been enjoying exploring the outdoors for signs of Spring. From this, we have become interested in the different minibeasts we have come across. One of our boys found a little ladybird that had lost its way on the pitch. We brought it back into class to have a closer look then set it free on the grass outside. Our play corner is now our ‘Minibeast Investigation’ spot filled with books about different insects along with some insects to study.

P.E: Gymnastics – Balancing


We have been working hard on our body part balances, mirroring balances with partners as well as travelling along a bench, perfecting our shapes and practising our star, tuck and pencil jumps. Exhausting.  The best fun? Walking back from PE on our very skinny tightrope across the lino flooring 😀

P.E at the street


During our street time this morning, we adapted the game of ‘corners’ to reinforce our learning of the different digraphs. Mrs Stephenson firstly called different digraphs and we quickly had to run to the correct one. To develop this, she then called different words asking for us to listen to either the initial, middle or end sound and run to that. We showed excellent recognition of the different sounds 🙂

Scots Language & Ceilidh dancing💃🕺🏻

In preparation for St Andrew’s Day this Tuesday, we have been learning all things Scots!

We learned some Scottish Country dancing to our new favourite album, “Noo! That’s whit I ca’ Ceilidh Volume 1,” during our P.E. Time. We learned the dance to the Grand Old Duke of York, which is very similar to Scottish Ceilidh dances.  We only had two practises, but I’m sure you will agree the children did a fantastic job! They were exhausted… and so was I. 🙂

Last week we listened to the Gruffalo in Scots! We learned some new Scots words and songs. Hae a wee keek at oor movie!

Have a lovely St Andrews Day on Tuesday. If you do anything ‘Scottish’ please upload it to next week’s homework assignment.

Gastronomers Week 2: Fruit Salad

We had a fantastic afternoon in the kitchen on Monday. We learned two methods to safely cut our food; the bridge hold and claw grip.

Bridge Hold

We put on our aprons and gave our hands a thorough clean. After that we collected our chopping boards, knifes and bowls for our fruit salads. Everyone was very excited to be in the kitchen but very well behaved and showed great listening skills.

We used the bridge hold to chop our strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, tangerines and the claw grip for bananas, melon and pear.

Well done P1.4 and keep practising at home!




Indoor P.E.

Today we were scheduled to go outdoors for P.E after lunch. We don’t know about you but we found it so cold today 🥶! When we came in from lunchtime a lot of us were complaining of very cold hands and were not feeling too excited about going back out again. We had a class vote and chose to exercise indoors instead.

We completed some of Jump Start Jonny’s fun dance routines and then had a good stretch using Cosmic Kids Yoga. Mrs Stephenson likes to join in too but she tires much faster than us!

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