Indoor P.E.

Today we were scheduled to go outdoors for P.E after lunch. We don’t know about you but we found it so cold today 🥶! When we came in from lunchtime a lot of us were complaining of very cold hands and were not feeling too excited about going back out again. We had a class vote and chose to exercise indoors instead.

We completed some of Jump Start Jonny’s fun dance routines and then had a good stretch using Cosmic Kids Yoga. Mrs Stephenson likes to join in too but she tires much faster than us!


Our maths homework this week focuses on time. We explored time again on Monday, thinking about mornings and afternoons, days of the week and months of the year.

We also spoke about telling the time on a clock which is something we are starting to learn about in class, initially focusing on ‘o’clock’. Mrs Stephenson stopped us at different points in the day, highlighted the time and got a video of what we were doing.

Watch and see ☺️


Maths Week

Today we were focusing on pattern. We had the opportunity to create a necklace using beads, complete repeated shape patterns on the SmartBoard and use 3D objects to print 2D shapes. This activity was very successful as it opened up discussions about the properties of 3D shapes. We were also sharing the objects we found in our home as part of our homework challenge.

We then collated all of our printed shapes to make a door display, featuring a repeated pattern. Mrs Noble came along and saw us at lunch time and she was very impressed 🙂

We are also continuing to work on our number recognition and formation. As can be seen in the following video, for one activity each of us were given a number to write on the board. This challenged us to first identify the correct number and then write it. Mrs Stephenson likes having helpers so she chose a ‘teacher’ to lead the activity. The boys and girls love this responsibility!


Role play corner

The time has finally come to see some faces on our blog! Thank you for everyone who has returned their permissions.

You may have noticed that there are lots of colds going around right now. We decided that we needed a doctors surgery in class complete with a pharmacy to combat all of these nasty bugs!

As you will see in the video, we really get into character during our play. First, the patient needs to check in with the receptionist. Next they are called in to see the doctor who uses lots of different equipment to check the patient is okay. Finally if any medicine is needed the pharmacists are on hand.

Some things I overheard whilst observing;

“I need to wear my mask to speak to you or I’ll catch the coronavirus!”

” There’s nothing wrong with you, you can go now I’ve got lots of people to see.”

“I think your arm is broken, let’s wrap it up.”

It is fantastic to watch 🙂


Mearns Masters: Coding

We are now on week 3 of Mearns Masters and we have made some amazing progress! Click on the videos below to see what we can do now 😊



Health & Wellbeing

As part of our current h & wb topic, we are working through a series of lessons based on the Disney film ‘Inside Out’.

Through this, we have been exploring the different emotions we feel and ways we can recognise different emotions in others. We are becoming more confident at contributing during circle time discussions and have been showing good listening skills towards our peers.

Happy Monday!

Mearns Masters

This afternoon we began our 6 week block of Mearns Masters exploring ‘Coding’. Today our focus was firstly following instructions. For this, we created paper aeroplanes! We knew if we did not do this in the correct sequence the aeroplanes would not look or function the way they should. After this, Mrs Stephenson showed us the controls on a ‘beebot’ and what to do to make it go. It was lots of fun trying these out ourselves although we are finding coding the turns a little tricky. This is something we will explore further next week 🙂 We also had the opportunity to play the ‘beebot’ game on the iPad. It was great to have an afternoon full of fun technology!

Jolly Phonics

Today we learned the new sound ‘i’. We practised forming the letter correctly, identified pictures of objects beginning with ‘i’ and were introduced to blending sounds. We now know four sounds, ‘s’, ‘a’, ‘t’ and ‘i’. This week we will also learn the sounds ‘p’ and ‘n’.

Numeracy & Maths

We are continuing to focus on practising number formation up to the number 10 this week along with challenging our counting skills. We enjoyed using the play-dough today to form different numbers.


We are hoping it won’t be much longer before photograph permissions are confirmed and we can begin sharing pictures with you all. If you haven’t already done so, please return consent forms as soon as possible.

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