Burns celebrations

This week we celebrated Burns night by having a whole school assembly, during which visiting experts watched Burns performances from nursery to p7. We were lucky enough to have a representative from 2.7, who performed wonderfully! In class, we learned Auld Lang Syne and crossed arms together, we danced some Scottish jigs and we did “Heids, shooders , knees and taes”. We had great fun! We have been learning about nouns and adjectives, so we went on a noun hunt and identified nouns in sentences, too. In maths we are investigating 2d and 3D shape, so we made some 2d shape pictures and we are creating 3D creations using Kapla, which is made from cuboids. Have a look at our week below!


A frosty January week

We had our stage auditions for the Burns Competition this week, and heard wonderful renditions of a Burns songs and poetry.

Chinese New Year begins on a Sunday 22nd, so we took some time to learn about it. We decided to make lucky Chinese red celebration lanterns – the results were super!


We also went on a wintry walk this week, making notes of some of the wintry things we saw. We had a lot of fun and discussed the seasons and how things might change outdoors in Spring, when we will have a Spring Walk to look at the changes.

Moving on with our feelings work in a Health and Wellbeing, we thought back to our feelings on our first day of Primary one and wrote about it. We shared our feelings stories with each other, the writing was fantastic.


Here are a few photos of our week.


Our Feelings and Emotions

This week we have been talking about our feelings and emotions, and ways that we can manage them. We read the book ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anne Llenas and talked about how we feel.  We drew our feelings . Next we talked about how our feelings can show in our actions and on our faces. We had great fun miming feelings and everyone else had to guess them! You can see some of them here and see if you can guess the emotion. We spoke about ways to manage our emotions when we are feeling them. We also wrote about what makes us happy – you can see a few here!

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