Scots Language & Ceilidh dancing💃🕺🏻

In preparation for St Andrew’s Day this Tuesday, we have been learning all things Scots!

We learned some Scottish Country dancing to our new favourite album, “Noo! That’s whit I ca’ Ceilidh Volume 1,” during our P.E. Time. We learned the dance to the Grand Old Duke of York, which is very similar to Scottish Ceilidh dances.  We only had two practises, but I’m sure you will agree the children did a fantastic job! They were exhausted… and so was I. 🙂

Last week we listened to the Gruffalo in Scots! We learned some new Scots words and songs. Hae a wee keek at oor movie!

Have a lovely St Andrews Day on Tuesday. If you do anything ‘Scottish’ please upload it to next week’s homework assignment.

Gastronomers Week 2: Fruit Salad

We had a fantastic afternoon in the kitchen on Monday. We learned two methods to safely cut our food; the bridge hold and claw grip.

Bridge Hold

We put on our aprons and gave our hands a thorough clean. After that we collected our chopping boards, knifes and bowls for our fruit salads. Everyone was very excited to be in the kitchen but very well behaved and showed great listening skills.

We used the bridge hold to chop our strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, tangerines and the claw grip for bananas, melon and pear.

Well done P1.4 and keep practising at home!




Book Week Scotland

Today for Book Week Scotland we visited Mearns Library.

Before leaving we discussed safety by the road. Mrs Hamilton kindly ordered reflective snap bands for us so we decided to put these on so we could be easily seen on our walk. These are now in our bags for us to keep 🙂 On our journey we kept to the inside of the pavement and  were reminded at each crossing to stop, look, listen and think. Mrs Stephenson enjoyed being our lollypop lady for the day! We also had the opportunity to cross at traffic lights where we had to press a button and wait for the green man.

At the library we sang songs and read stories. It was so lovely and cosy especially after our frosty walk! We have each been given a Bookbug bag which includes three books. We were read each story and voted on our favourite. ‘Inch and Grub’ was the clear winner!

Please follow the link below to vote in the Bookbug Picture Book Prize, this is detailed in the Bookbug bags which have been sent home.

Gastronomers Week 1: Anyone for Crudités?

Our first week in the kitchen was lots of fun! In the classroom we listened to the story ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ by Dr Seuss and discussed the benefits of trying new food.  When we arrived at the kitchen we washed our hands and then sampled a range of vegetables, recording what we liked and disliked. Mrs Stephenson was so impressed with our attitudes towards trying new things and was pleased we all had a go.

Indoor P.E.

Today we were scheduled to go outdoors for P.E after lunch. We don’t know about you but we found it so cold today 🥶! When we came in from lunchtime a lot of us were complaining of very cold hands and were not feeling too excited about going back out again. We had a class vote and chose to exercise indoors instead.

We completed some of Jump Start Jonny’s fun dance routines and then had a good stretch using Cosmic Kids Yoga. Mrs Stephenson likes to join in too but she tires much faster than us!

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