Primary 1 enjoyed their trip into our local community to visit the local library.
We listened to the librarian read us a extract from his favourite book ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ and then we got to choose our own book to check out of the library!
We can’t wait to read through all of our fantastic stories and we look forward to going back to the library soon!
On Tuesday, P1 were lucky enough to welcome some special guests. Elderly residents from local sheltered housing came in to read with learners in P1.3.
Everyone enjoyed the occasion as the children could share their favourite stories with the guests.
P1 then showed their appreciation to our guests by singing a selection of nativity songs.
To celebrate Book Week, Primary 1 invited some special guests in on Thursday to read with us. We explored the exciting Bookbug Bags and our visitors read some of the stories with us.
‘I like Eric Makes a Splash because it is about friends who help each other’ Freya
‘My favourite is One Button Benny because of his big red button!’ Arthur.
Thank you to all of the grown ups that joined us for reading on Thursday. Over the next few weeks, we will choose our favourite story and vote for it to win the Bookbug Picture Book Prize!
Primary 1 had the opportunity to visit Eaglesham Library for Book Week Scotland.
When we got to the library, Mr Keenan read us three amazing stories. Our favourite was ‘Eric Makes a Splash’ and luckily this is one of the stories in our Book Bug Bags!
‘Look at my bag!’
We collected our Book Bug Bags and are so excited to read all of the stories at home with our families!
Just another – East Renfrewshire site