Wow, Primary 1!
You have certainly been taking lots of opportunities to observe and take care of your environment. You have used the outdoor classroom of the Orry and school grounds to be creative with transient art, exploring shape and symmetry and even a Widlife Watch! What a treat to transfer your knowledge of symmetry and fractions to cutting up yummy pancakes. Well done for being responsible members of the community by carrying out community litter picks and using the local library to expand your love of reading and storytelling. Your innovative inventions to solve environmental issues are very creative and demonstrate impressive, design and engineering skills.
Enjoy your well deserved Spring holiday.
Mrs Toman
Primary 1 were lucky enough to have a special visitor for Careers Month. Mr Moffat is a GP and came in to talk to us all about how Doctors keep us safe and healthy. He brought some equipment for us to try out!
We used a stethoscope to listen to our heart beating!
‘This feels funny in your ear’ Arthur
Thank you Mr Moffat!
Primary 1 enjoyed their trip into our local community to visit the local library.
We listened to the librarian read us a extract from his favourite book ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ and then we got to choose our own book to check out of the library!
We can’t wait to read through all of our fantastic stories and we look forward to going back to the library soon!
Just another – East Renfrewshire site