Primary 1 have settled straight back into the new year. They have even been writing their own New Year resolutions.
Also this week, we have been learning the alphabet.
Jessica taught us a song to help us remember the alphabet. We have recorded her song and hope to upload it to our Twitter page or YouTube as the size of the file was too big for our blog. If not, if you see Jessica, please ask her to sing it for you!
“Well I only really learned it when I was just in Nursery, my big sister taught me it as she knew it. So when I’m going to teach it to my little girl she can teach it to her class and then when she has a little girl she can teach it to her class. Also, the class did good at learning the song.” Jessica
Kai and Rory have been working hard to order the alphabet foot prints.
“SO I was standing right there making sure Rory was doing food work.” Kai
“I was putting all the letters in order.” Rory