This week, Primary 1 were learning about position and movement in our numeracy work. We had a chance to code our own Bee-Bots, giving them directions on a map!
‘If I press this button it will move forwards!’ Cara.
‘I am directing my Bee-Bot to the shops’ Chloe.
Later in the week, we created our own maps for the Bee-Bots.
‘My Bee-Bot is following the track!’ Hannah.
We have loved using the Bee-Bots to help us learn about directions and position!
Wow! I have been really amazed by how much you have been learning indoors and outdoors this term. It is wonderful to see so much reading for enjoyment in school, at the library and at home.
The coding skills you all demonstrated are very impressive. The pumpkin soup looked delicious. The variety of sports that you tried during Try a Sport week showed off your coordination, core strength and agility.