We have been learning different kinds of rolls and jumps.
Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing
Potted Sports
Primary 3.1 enjoyed potted sports.
Heartstart – Serious Bleeding
Primary 3.1 have been revising their Heartstart training and remembered how to deal with a conscious casualty and an unconscious casualty. We hope they did their homework and put someone in their family into the recovery position and then helped someone that was bleeding.
James-I liked getting my friends into the recovery position.
Femke-I enjoyed learning how to stop serious bleeding.
Matthew-I enjoyed handing out juices to all the parents.
Rhona-I enjoyed showing the customers their seats.
Healthy Eating
We have been learning about the Eatwell Plate. This has shown us the different categories of food we need to eat in order to have a healthy balanced diet. We also looked at how much of each food we should eat. We made our own eatwell plate.
Ava-I enjoyed coloring in and drawing the eatwell plate.
As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, key words and main ideas of the text, and use this information for a specific purpose. LIT 1-04a
To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 1-01a
I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and emotions that affect how we feel and behave and I am learning ways of managing them. HWB 1-02a
I understand that there are people I can talk to and that there are a number of ways in which I can gain access to practical and emotional support to help me and others in a range of circumstances. HWB 1-03a
We read the book Silly Billy about a boy who worried about everything. His grandma told Billy about making a worry doll. He could then tell the worry doll all of his worries.
We explored some of the things we worry about and we all made worry dolls that we could tell our worries to. We also discussed who else we could tell our worries to and in class we made sure we all knew how to use our worry box. Lets hope we don’t have any more worries.