Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Very Intelligent Dogs

Primary 1 learned about the importance of guide dogs for visually impaired people and people with hearing difficulties.  Finlay’s mum and Annie’s mum brought two special dogs to visit us. Finlay and his mum showed us how the dogs are trained to obey commands. As the dogs were not ‘working’, we were allowed to stroke them.



Finlay showed us his certificate

blog-046Finlay and his mum showed us some training with Janice, the puppy.
blog-043Janice  was very calm and happy in our classroom blog-053Freya got a chance to pet Summer
blog-057Caleb shared his knowledge about dogs and how to train them blog-058Robbie met Summer too
blog-050Finlay has  a dog called Summer too blog-051Nina making a new friend


blog-040” Mrs Boyd helps us at the lunch hall and if we get hurt” Dylan Crute blog-034 Mrs Boyd has plasters and wipes in the special bag” Max Moffat

” Mrs Boyd can help if you get sick” Caleb Burns


” I have two special toys that the boys and girls can have a cuddle with” Mrs Boyd

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Getting ready for Primary 1!

Preschool children are beginning their transition visits to Primary 1.

The children are looking forward to the new experiences that being in school will bring.



“I am going to have a school lunch.” (Joel, Yellow AM)


“I am getting my school jacket to put on my peg.” (Finlay, Green PM)




“I am going to read lots and lots of books.” (Oliver Green, PM)






LI – to stay safe when using electricity

LI – To show the importance of electricity in our daily lives

The boys and girls went home to identify objects which use electricity in their house.

Archie (Green PM) enjoyed telling his friends about his new Scalextrix which he has to plug in because it needs electricity to make it work.

“Don’t go near electricity. It’s dangerous.” Zoe (Green AM)

“I ask my mummy and daddy if I can turn off my own light in my bedroom.” Cara (Blue AM)

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