Tag Archives: Fun

Spooky Halloween…


Dylan and Caleb dscf1281Max” I was dressed as Batman. I had fun with Tom”.
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dscf1276 dscf1275” I was putting rubbish in the bin at the disco. I was dressed as a vampire”James
dscf1274” I ama dragon and I had teeth and I had long nails” Ruairi dscf1273” I was a cheerleader and I was at the dinner hall and I had crisps and a wee bit of juice” Macy
dscf1270” I was having fun . It was just too noisy” Ruby dscf1269” My character was Pippy Longstocking” Femke
dscf1268Olivia dressed as Sonic dscf1267“I had fun and I was an Ewok and I really enjoyd dancing” Miles

Socialising with ghosts, vampires and Starship troopers.

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Marvellous Measuring

Primary 1 have been using common items to investigate weights and scales.  We have also been learning to use comparative language in our play and through adult led activities.



Measuring length using non standard units

dscf1082Weighing all Mrs Toman’s vegetables for her soup…and any other objects of interest…
dscf1085Working in pairs and small groups dscf1081Cut and stick scissor skills and comparative language

Pattern makers

dscf9683Max is looking for some green cubes to continue this pattern dscf1011Freya shows her red, blue repeating pattern
dscf1008Nina is matching the materials to the pattern challenge card  

Primary 1 have proved that they can copy patterns and make their own too!

Letters and numbers In Primary 1.3


We are learning about letters and sounds


We are learning to take turns,  share with friends and have fun.

We are learning about all the jobs people do in the school.  We are learning about  how to stay safe. We have been learning in the classroom, outside in the playground and went to a whole school assembly. Using the sounds we have been learning to make words.