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Getting ready for Primary 1!

Preschool children are beginning their transition visits to Primary 1.

The children are looking forward to the new experiences that being in school will bring.



“I am going to have a school lunch.” (Joel, Yellow AM)


“I am getting my school jacket to put on my peg.” (Finlay, Green PM)




“I am going to read lots and lots of books.” (Oliver Green, PM)





Fun in the sun.

All children have had great fun outdoors. We are developing our movement skills through energetic play.


“I love playing football we need goals. Look how far I can kick” Max (Red A.M)



We can demonstrate increasing control when using a variety of equipment.


“I am big now. I can climb right over by myself” Tilly (Blue A.M)


Outdoor Adventures

We were very lucky to have Mike Brady come to the nursery to give us lots of ideas for outdoor experiences. Below are just some of the exciting play opportunities we took part in.


” We are building a tent we are making dens.” Joel (Yellow AM)


“I can swing high up to the sky” Miles (Yellow AM)


” This is so fun. We are going fast” Rebecca (Green AM)


“I am painting with mud. I am making a monster.” Aaron (Green AM)


“We were putting the clothes things on.” Sayon (Green PM) ” We were lying down Mike and Joan were swinging us.” Jenna (Green PM)


” I was balancing on a beam. I was trying to jump in the wheel and not go in the mud” Jenna (Green PM)


As we explore and appreciate the wonder of nature. We are learning about plants and flowers.

We can look after flowers.

We enjoy planting.


” I plant with my granny you know they need water to grow and sunshine”  Olivia (Blue PM)


“Seeds are very small. They need water” Isla (Yellow AM)

We are learning the basic parts of a flower.



Can you see our patterns?

We were learning to explore patterns and creating our own patterns.




We tried to make our own patterns using three colours .

“Look I have made a tower with three colours.” Leo(Blue AM)


We  used the coloured spots to create our own patterns.

“I have made more patterns.” Jack (Blue PM)

Weather work

While learning outdoors in different weather we are learning to observe ,measure and record the weather.102_0651 

We made rain catchers and went out every day for a week to see how much rain had fallen.

“It has rained because the water is up at number two.” William (Blue PM)


We tried to make ice outside.

“It has to be very, very cold outside. We could put them in the freezer its very cold in there.” Ramona (Blue AM)